Note: you can download the jupyter notebook for this post here and the CSV files I used: 1 2 3 4

It’s time for some neeeeerd pledge. I was talking to Adam and Geoff and though they run a segment called nerd pledge, I discovered they really need to up their cricket nerd stats game. So I’m here to help.

The problem is, writing custom queries is difficult if it’s not something obvious on statsguru. So I’m going to answer a couple of questions:

  • what is the most number of innings in a row a player has made greater than 40?
  • which team has scored the most innings in a row less than 200?

This type of consecutive stat is actually quite a hard thing to do, sounds like a database task. This will be a ramble of my journey to answer these questions, but my goal is to have a “generic query” and then produce answer to that generic query. Okay, let’s find some data!

I downloaded the files we need from this dataset. I just run these bash commands to rename the files for easier shell handling

# replace space with underscores, spaces are yukky
find *.csv -exec rename 's/\s/_/g' {} \;

# make all files lowercase
find *.csv -exec rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' {} \;

#To fix up the headings, we do the same for the first line in all the csv files.
#1s/.*/\L&/ < on the first line, make sure all characters are lowercase \L
#1s/ /_/g ... on the first line, replace all spaces with underscores, globally
find *.csv -exec sed -i '1s/.*/\L&/;1s/ /_&/' {} \;

I did attempt to start this with SQL, but I found it such a pain that I decided to best tool is the one you’ve vaguely used before, so we’re going with pandas. I will spare you my SQL adventure, it got a bit messy. 🍻🤢

Okay that’s it. We’ve done the file processing, now to load them all into jupyter.

I’m just going to be looking at the Men’s test individual data. But you could do the same for the women, ODIs, etc. Just load those into the dataframe instead.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import glob
all_files = glob.glob('data/men_test_player_innings_stats_-_*.csv')

# low_memory=False just tries to figure out the data type of large files.
# we don't really need this, because we'll fix these later.
df = pd.concat((pd.read_csv(f, low_memory=False) for f in all_files))

There’s a few things we should do before we can start processing the data.

  • drop the duplicate rows
  • change the type of data to the appropriate data type in each column (I definitely knew about this before starting the post, yep, definitely)
  • sort by date, then innings number - to ensure all the innings are in order.
df = df.drop_duplicates()

int_cols = ['innings_runs_scored_num', 'innings_minutes_batted', 
            'innings_batted_flag', 'innings_not_out_flag', 'innings_bowled_flag',
            'innings_balls_faced', 'innings_boundary_fours',
            'innings_boundary_sixes', 'innings_maidens_bowled',
            'innings_runs_conceded', 'innings_wickets_taken',
            '4_wickets', '5_wickets', '10_wickets'

for col in int_cols:
    # use to_numeric to convery the - to NaN (not-a-number)
    # "Int32" has mixed NaNs and integers
    df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors='coerce').astype("Int32")

df.innings_economy_rate = pd.to_numeric(df.innings_economy_rate, errors='coerce')
df.innings_date = pd.to_datetime(df.innings_date, infer_datetime_format=True)
df = df.sort_values(by=['innings_date', 'innings_number'])

Okay, so now we’ve gotten to the point where we hoped we would have started, clean data, I guess. How do we know we haven’t fucked something up?

Well, Don Bradman’s test batting average was 99.94, how about we write a function to check the average is correct.

The average of a batter is the number of runs scored in their career minus the number of times they have been dismissed.

So we can write a function for each.

def get_total_runs(player):
    return df.loc[df['innings_player'] == player, 'innings_runs_scored_num'].sum()

def times_dismissed(player):
    num_innings = len(df.loc[df['innings_player'] == player, 'innings_runs_scored_num'].dropna())
    not_out = df.loc[df['innings_player'] == player, 'innings_not_out_flag'].sum()
    return num_innings - not_out

def get_average(player):
    runs = get_total_runs(player)
    dismissed = times_dismissed(player)
    if dismissed == 0:
        return np.nan
    return runs / dismissed
print(get_average('DG Bradman'))

Fuckn yeh boooooiiiii! 😎

That was fun an all, but really, what we want is to do some fucking number crunching here. We can calculate the average of every player in the history of the game.

That will tell us who the real greatest player of all time is.

First we want to get all the players…

all_players = df.innings_player.drop_duplicates()

That will just give us a pandas Series, but I want to make it into a DataFrame and add the column for the average for each player

all_players = pd.DataFrame(all_players)

You can use the apply function to apply the function to all values, who’d have thought that’s what it would do?

all_players['average'] = all_players.innings_player.apply(get_average)

After that we should filter out the infinite and not-a-number results

# filter out infinite and not-a-number results
all_players.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan, inplace=True)

Next we can displayer the results from highest to lowest. To reveal the best batsman of all time….

all_players.sort_values(by=['average'], ascending=False, inplace=True)
      innings_player     average
22755   KR Patterson  144.000000
66931   AG Ganteaume  112.000000
48719       Abid Ali  107.000000
50574     DG Bradman   99.942857
62077       MN Nawaz   99.000000
60884  VH Stollmeyer   96.000000
85275       DM Lewis   86.333333
69175     Abul Hasan   82.500000
91237     RE Redmond   81.500000
30714    DJ Mitchell   73.000000

Holy fuck. This can’t be fucking real.

Kurtis the goat

It fucking is!

Whoa, mind is actually blown. Okay, that was fun and all. But it was really fucking slow. Like, real slow: Wall time: 1min 17s I think I’ve been going about this the wrong way. We’ll fix it later, maybe.

Okay, let’s just make sure our data is all good, what does it take to caluculate the number of ducks a player got in their career? So the number of ducks is the number they scored 0 and were also dismissed, so we can do a simple calculate to figure out how many times Don Bradman got a duck:

def get_all_player_stats(player):
    # return the entire dataframe but filtered for that player
    return df.loc[df['innings_player'] == player]

def num_ducks(player):
    all_stats = get_all_player_stats(player)
    ducks = all_stats[(all_stats.innings_not_out_flag == 0) & (all_stats.innings_runs_scored_num == 0)]
    return len(ducks)
print(f"The Don got {num_ducks('DG Bradman')} ducks")
The Don got 7 ducks

Okay, so we’ve done that for the simple stuff. Now we’re going to start answering the real questions, that stats that statsguru doens’t want you to know. Won’t let you know. Actively withholding important cricketing knowledge from you! Let’s get started!

When I first did this, it took 2min 14s to perform one query. That’s not okay. With the method below I get 18.2 s for the same query. Not actually as fast as I was hoping, but much better than going away to boil the kettle, come back and it’s still not bloody done. Good-e-fucking-nuf mate. I’m just showing you the shiny new approach, you don’t want to see the old way. Trust me.

The problem with calculating the averages above was that I was sorting the original dataset by date, and not by player, then getting the individual players in a separatate dataframe. Then, for each player we were going over the whole dataframe to get the average. That way, we already have the players grouped together, and we don’t need to pass over the whole dataframe each time for every player, we can just group by player which is already sorted, and then apply our function for each group. Let’s give that a red hot go ay. Fucken-ay.

def get_max_consecutive(group):
    # thanks stackoverflow
    # this works for each player
    # first get all matches and compare with a shifted version to how many are the same in a row
    df_bool = group['criteria_match'] != group['criteria_match'].shift()
    # take the cumulative sum of the matches in a row to get the number of each
    df_cumsum = df_bool.cumsum()
    # then groupby the size of each group
    search_groups = group.groupby(df_cumsum)
    # the above will give us the size, but we also want the raw data out of each
    # so below we are getting the indexes from the original dataset so we can look them up later
    # what we want is the longest group where criteria_match == True
    # make a dictionary with the key the name, but store each length
    lengths = {n: len(g) for n,g in search_groups if g['criteria_match'].all() == True}
        # m is the maximum number of matches
        m = max(lengths.values())
    except ValueError:
        # if there are no matches, return 0 and not-a-number
        return pd.DataFrame({'maximum': [0], 'num_results':0, 'indexes':[np.nan]})
    # get a list of groups where the match is the players maximum value
    # includes if a player matches multiple times
    all_groups = [search_groups.get_group(key) for key,val in lengths.items()]
    max_groups_list = [search_groups.get_group(key) for key,val in lengths.items() if val == m]
    num_items = len(max_groups_list)
    return pd.DataFrame({'maximum': [m]*num_items, 
                         'num_results': [num_items]*num_items, 
                         'indexes': [g['index'].values for g in max_groups_list],
def get_all_consecutive(criteria, data, sort_order=['innings_player', 'innings_date', 'innings_number']):
    data = data.sort_values(by=sort_order)
    # drop all columns where the values were after doesn't exist
    all_columns = list(data.columns.values)
    for c in all_columns:
        if c in criteria:
            data = data[data[c] != np.nan]
    # find all matches and set them to true, set non-matches to False
    data.loc[data.eval(criteria), 'criteria_match'] = True
    data['criteria_match'].fillna(False, inplace=True)
    # group by all the search item, and then actually do the check for each one.
    search_item = all_columns[1]
    grp = data.groupby(search_item)
    results = grp.apply(get_max_consecutive)
    return results

Read the code comments for explanations of what each part is doing. I tried to make it clear. I’ll tell you now, that section took me a four or five days on and off. For like 20 lines of code, and most of those I’d written already. What a brainfuck.

The line that runs the actual query is this function data.eval(criteria), and we mark each item in our dataframe as a match or not:

data.loc[data.eval(criteria), 'criteria_match'] = True
data['criteria_match'].fillna(False, inplace=True)

Then we groupby the players, and apply the get_max_consecutive function for each player.

Okay, let’s try this bloody thing out!

First we’ll just get the all_consecutive that match a particular criteria. In this case the players who scored the most runs over 40 in a row.

criteria = 'innings_runs_scored_num > 40'
results = get_all_consecutive(criteria, all_players.copy())
results.sort_values(by=['maximum'], ascending=False, inplace=True)
                  maximum  num_results  \
JH Kallis      0        9            1   
ED Weekes      0        9            1   
Inzamam-ul-Haq 0        8            1   
IVA Richards   0        8            1   
KF Barrington  0        8            1   
A Flower       0        8            1   
GS Sobers      0        7            1   
Javed Miandad  0        7            1   
KL Rahul       0        7            1   
S Chanderpaul  0        7            1   

JH Kallis      0  [131980, 132561, 132651, 132935, 133103, 13318...  
ED Weekes      0  [23536, 24007, 24072, 24291, 24336, 24469, 245...  
Inzamam-ul-Haq 0  [101702, 101823, 101845, 102044, 102175, 10221...  
IVA Richards   0  [68896, 69313, 69556, 69601, 70364, 70409, 704...  
KF Barrington  0  [42547, 42591, 42613, 42657, 42702, 42790, 428...  
A Flower       0  [119766, 119788, 120073, 120116, 120250, 12027...  
GS Sobers      0  [35073, 35241, 35394, 35436, 35590, 35745, 35789]  
Javed Miandad  0  [75473, 75538, 75605, 75671, 76655, 76700, 76789]  
KL Rahul       0  [179630, 179675, 180018, 180181, 180246, 18096...  
S Chanderpaul  0  [144318, 145407, 145715, 145759, 145781, 14582...  

We want more just that players and how many times that player matched that condition. Like a dog hankering for a fresh bone, I can feel you chomping at the bit to get the real stats. We want to get the actual innings that the player where they match the query. That’s what that indexes column is for. It’s a list of the indivdidual indexes from the original dataset so we can look them up later. Let’s write a function that does the whole thing, and returns the innings for only the maximum results.

def get_most_consecutive_individual(criteria, data=all_players.copy(), sort_order=['innings_player', 'innings_date', 'innings_number']):
    results = get_all_consecutive(criteria, data, sort_order)
    # get the maximum result
    max_value = results['maximum'].max()
    # get all matches to the maximum
    max_results = results[results['maximum'] == max_value]
    # get the matches out of the original dataset to get the innings
    result_data = data.reindex(np.concatenate(max_results.indexes.values))
    return max_value, result_data

Then we can call the function and print only the columns we’re interested in.

criteria = 'innings_runs_scored_num > 40'
max_value, results = get_most_consecutive_individual(criteria)
cols_to_print = ['innings_player', 'innings_runs_scored', 'opposition' ,'ground', 'innings_date', 
                 'innings_minutes_batted', 'innings_number']
       innings_player innings_runs_scored     opposition        ground  \
23536       ED Weekes                 141      v England      Kingston   
24007       ED Weekes                 128        v India         Delhi   
24072       ED Weekes                 194        v India   Mumbai (BS)   
24291       ED Weekes                 162        v India       Kolkata   
24336       ED Weekes                 101        v India       Kolkata   
24469       ED Weekes                  90        v India       Chennai   
24534       ED Weekes                  56        v India   Mumbai (BS)   
24578       ED Weekes                  48        v India   Mumbai (BS)   
25490       ED Weekes                  52      v England    Manchester   
131980      JH Kallis                  43     v Pakistan    Faisalabad   
132561      JH Kallis                 158  v West Indies  Johannesburg   
132651      JH Kallis                  44  v West Indies  Johannesburg   
132935      JH Kallis                 177  v West Indies        Durban   
133103      JH Kallis                  73  v West Indies     Cape Town   
133188      JH Kallis                130*  v West Indies     Cape Town   
133277      JH Kallis                130*  v West Indies     Centurion   
133584      JH Kallis                  92  v New Zealand      Hamilton   
133627      JH Kallis                150*  v New Zealand      Hamilton   

       innings_date  innings_minutes_batted innings_number  
23536    1948-03-27                    <NA>              2  
24007    1948-11-10                     194              1  
24072    1948-12-09                    <NA>              1  
24291    1948-12-31                     188              1  
24336    1948-12-31                    <NA>              3  
24469    1949-01-27                    <NA>              1  
24534    1949-02-04                    <NA>              1  
24578    1949-02-04                    <NA>              3  
25490    1950-06-08                     103              2  
131980   2003-10-24                     174              3  
132561   2003-12-12                     411              1  
132651   2003-12-12                      96              3  
132935   2003-12-26                     479              2  
133103   2004-01-02                     207              1  
133188   2004-01-02                     262              3  
133277   2004-01-16                     247              1  
133584   2004-03-10                     239              1  
133627   2004-03-10                     406              3  

The good thing about this system is, we can add as many conditions as we like. So what’s the most number of matches where a player has scored over 60 and was also not_out. We can search by using the column heading and a condition as many conditions as we like (joined by and)

criteria = 'innings_runs_scored_num > 60 and innings_not_out_flag == 1'
max_value, results = get_most_consecutive_individual(criteria)
cols_to_print = ['innings_player', 'innings_runs_scored', 'opposition' ,'ground', 'innings_date', 
                 'innings_minutes_batted', 'innings_number']
       innings_player innings_runs_scored    opposition         ground  \
126481      JH Kallis                 61*   v Australia         Durban   
128241      JH Kallis                 75*  v Bangladesh    East London   
128394      JH Kallis                139*  v Bangladesh  Potchefstroom   
176275    LRPL Taylor                173*    v Zimbabwe       Bulawayo   
176562    LRPL Taylor                124*    v Zimbabwe       Bulawayo   
176606    LRPL Taylor                 67*    v Zimbabwe       Bulawayo   
126787  S Chanderpaul                 67*       v India  Port of Spain   
126898  S Chanderpaul                101*       v India     Bridgetown   
126985  S Chanderpaul                136*       v India      St John's   
134993  S Chanderpaul                101*  v Bangladesh       Kingston   
135332  S Chanderpaul                128*     v England         Lord's   
135376  S Chanderpaul                 97*     v England         Lord's   
149100  S Chanderpaul                107*   v Australia    North Sound   
149145  S Chanderpaul                 77*   v Australia    North Sound   
149254  S Chanderpaul                 79*   v Australia     Bridgetown   
170381  S Chanderpaul                 85*  v Bangladesh      Kingstown   
170468  S Chanderpaul                 84*  v Bangladesh     Gros Islet   
170512  S Chanderpaul                101*  v Bangladesh     Gros Islet   

       innings_date  innings_minutes_batted innings_number  
126481   2002-03-15                     159              4  
128241   2002-10-18                     185              1  
128394   2002-10-25                     266              2  
176275   2016-07-28                     365              2  
176562   2016-08-06                     240              1  
176606   2016-08-06                     125              3  
126787   2002-04-19                     260              4  
126898   2002-05-02                     365              2  
126985   2002-05-10                     675              2  
134993   2004-06-04                     271              2  
135332   2004-07-22                     383              2  
135376   2004-07-22                     231              4  
149100   2008-05-30                     352              2  
149145   2008-05-30                     336              4  
149254   2008-06-12                     226              2  
170381   2014-09-05                     302              1  
170468   2014-09-13                     268              1  
170512   2014-09-13                     173              3  

So the most in test history is 3. But Chanderpaul has done that four fucking times. Also, I can’t tell you how satisfying it is when my queries run in a few seconds. Lets try another query, what’s most number of times in a row someone has batted more than 200 minutes, but not scored a century?

criteria = 'innings_runs_scored_num < 100 and innings_minutes_batted > 200'
max_value, results = get_most_consecutive_individual(criteria)
       innings_player innings_runs_scored      opposition         ground  \
73183        DI Gower                  74         v India        Kolkata   
73338        DI Gower                  64         v India        Chennai   
73382        DI Gower                  85         v India         Kanpur   
73535        DI Gower                  89     v Sri Lanka  Colombo (PSS)   
180059       JA Raval                  80  v South Africa     Wellington   
180170       JA Raval                  88  v South Africa       Hamilton   
182351       JA Raval                  42   v West Indies     Wellington   
182567       JA Raval                  84   v West Indies       Hamilton   
103824       RG Twose                  36         v India        Cuttack   
104275       RG Twose                  59      v Pakistan   Christchurch   
104351       RG Twose                 51*      v Pakistan   Christchurch   
104682       RG Twose                  42      v Zimbabwe       Hamilton   
149145  S Chanderpaul                 77*     v Australia    North Sound   
149254  S Chanderpaul                 79*     v Australia     Bridgetown   
149300  S Chanderpaul                  50     v Australia     Bridgetown   
150729  S Chanderpaul                  76   v New Zealand        Dunedin   

       innings_date  innings_minutes_batted innings_number  
73183    1982-01-01                     235              3  
73338    1982-01-13                     215              2  
73382    1982-01-30                     257              1  
73535    1982-02-17                     256              2  
180059   2017-03-16                     253              3  
180170   2017-03-25                     396              2  
182351   2017-12-01                     220              2  
182567   2017-12-09                     231              1  
103824   1995-11-08                     204              2  
104275   1995-12-08                     210              2  
104351   1995-12-08                     257              4  
104682   1996-01-13                     227              1  
149145   2008-05-30                     336              4  
149254   2008-06-12                     226              2  
149300   2008-06-12                     201              4  
150729   2008-12-11                     281              2  

Our mate Chanderpaul again. Never thought of him as a slow-poke like a Gower. But there you go. You may be wondering what the sort_order is for. Well, individual/time is the most likely order. So the default is to use ['innings_player', 'innings_date', 'innings_number'] as the search order.

What if we wanted to instead, find out who did something at a particular ground, or against a particular opposition. Let’s see the most innings in Kolkata where bowlers have taken at least 3 wickets.

# double quotes around the text (string) is important
criteria = 'innings_wickets_taken >= 3 and ground == "Kolkata"'

# sorting by player, ground, data, number groups the players together
sort_order = ['innings_player', 'ground', 'innings_date', 'innings_number']

# the reason for get_all instead of get_most is sometimes we want to know all the top players that satisfy the condition
# we the get_most function gets the innings from the 'indexes' column
# look at the code inside the get_most function to see how it looks up the indexes from the original dataset
results = get_all_consecutive(criteria, df.copy(), sort_order)
results.sort_values(by=['maximum'], ascending=False, inplace=True)
Mohammed Shami    0    5
J Srinath         0    4
A Kumble          0    4
R Benaud          0    4
BS Chandrasekhar  0    3
AME Roberts       0    3
Ghulam Ahmed      0    3
Harbhajan Singh   0    3
WW Hall           0    2
SA Durani         0    2
Name: maximum, dtype: int64

What about in a country? Let’s see which bowlers have taken 3 or more wickets in a row in England. To get a whole country, all we really have to go on is the grounds, so we can build up a query to check or each of those grounds. Like below:

# we need to get all the english grounds out of our dataset. I might have missed some. I was lazy with this.
english_grounds = ["Lord's", "Birmingham", "Manchester", "The Oval", "Sheffield", "Nottingham", "Leeds"]

# this is how you can build it up programmatically, start with the beginning of the query
criteria = 'innings_wickets_taken >= 3 and (ground == '

# this next line is tricky, have to wrap each item in double quotes ""
criteria += ' or ground == '.join(f'"{g}"' for g in english_grounds)

# finish it off by closing the brackets
criteria += ')'
# print so you see that the final criteria looks like

# sorting by player, ground, data, number groups the players together
sort_order = ['innings_player', 'ground', 'innings_date', 'innings_number']

results = get_all_consecutive(criteria, df.copy(), sort_order)
# print(results.dropna())
results.sort_values(by=['maximum'], ascending=False, inplace=True)

# select 'maximum' so you don't have to see the indexes
innings_wickets_taken >= 3 and (ground == "Lord's" or ground == "Birmingham" or ground == "Manchester" or ground == "The Oval" or ground == "Sheffield" or ground == "Nottingham" or ground == "Leeds")
GD McGrath      0    6
RR Lindwall     0    6
T Richardson    0    6
GP Swann        0    6
SK Warne        0    6
D Gough         0    6
IT Botham       0    5
AV Bedser       0    5
SF Barnes       0    5
CA Walsh        0    5
Name: maximum, dtype: int64

Ooh ahh, Glenn McGrath.

Okay, now we want to apply our data to team scores not just individuals. Well, the data we downloaded did not have all the indvidual team innings, unfortunately. But the data does exist on statsguru. So, I’ve modified a scraper that I found online to download the data. You can check out my repo here

Here’s the relevent part:

# replace the URL to the search query we want.
self.baseurl = ";orderby=start;page=%s;template=results;type=team;view=innings"

The score is not a nice integer of runs - we can do maths on things with a /, so I added a runs column.

# the runs are the number before the /, if it exists
runs = score.split('/')[0]
if runs == 'DNB':
    runs = 0
values.insert(2, runs)

Some of the balls per over was not 6, but is says when it wasn’t. So I added a balls_per_over so it’s possible to calculate the number of deliveries in each innings if needed.

# value looks like 50x8 < 50 8 ball overs
# split by the x, and part before is the number over overs
# the part after is the balls per over.
overs_and_balls = values[2].split('x')
values[2] = overs_and_balls[0]
balls_per_over = 6
if len(overs_and_balls) == 2:
    balls_per_over = overs_and_balls[1]
values.insert(3, balls_per_over)

Okay… I the scraper from the internet and required only 1 line change to actually work. Amazing.

$ python
print('All done')


But we’re going to make a _team function, we’ll it’ll be just like the _individual one we did earlier, but have a default sort_order that is sensible for teams. That’s the only difference. But first we’ve gotta read the data into pandas.

all_innings_file = 'data/all_test_innings.csv'
all_innings = pd.read_csv(all_innings_file)
all_innings.start_date = pd.to_datetime(all_innings.start_date, infer_datetime_format=True)
all_innings.runs = pd.to_numeric(all_innings.runs, errors='coerce').astype("Int64")

In fact, to do the team one, we just call the individual one but pass in the default values we want.

def get_most_consecutive_team(criteria, data=all_innings.copy(), sort_order=['team', 'start_date', 'innings']):
    return get_most_consecutive_individual(criteria, data, sort_order)

…that was easy.

Okay, let’s run the fucker and find out who scored the most innings in a row under 200.

criteria = 'runs < 200'
max_value, results = get_most_consecutive_team(criteria)
          team score  runs  overs  balls_per_over   rpo  lead  innings result  \
80   Australia   123   123  118.3               4  1.55   105        3   lost   
83   Australia   121   121   82.3               4  2.19  -232        2   lost   
84   Australia   126   126  111.1               4  1.69  -106        3   lost   
86   Australia    68    68   60.2               4  1.68  -366        2   lost   
87   Australia   149   149   97.0               4  2.30  -217        3   lost   
89   Australia   119   119  113.1               4  1.57    74        2   lost   
91   Australia    97    97  107.0               4  1.35   -13        4   lost   
93   Australia    84    84   55.1               4  2.28   -67        2   lost   
95   Australia   150   150  110.0               4  2.04   -71        4   lost   
97   Australia    42    42   37.3               4  1.66   -71        2   lost   
99   Australia    82    82   69.2               4  1.76  -126        4   lost   
100  Australia   116   116   71.2               4  2.43   116        1    won   
102  Australia    60    60   29.2               4  3.05   123        3    won   
104  Australia    80    80   90.3               4  1.32    80        1   lost   
106  Australia   100   100   69.2               4  2.15  -137        3   lost   
108  Australia    81    81   52.2               4  2.31   -91        2   lost   
109  Australia    70    70   31.1               4  3.36   -21        3   lost   
117  Australia   132   132   86.0               5  1.84   132        1   lost   
119  Australia   176   176  140.2               5  1.50   135        3   lost   
121  Australia    92    92   65.2               5  1.68    92        1   lost   
123  Australia   102   102   60.2               5  2.02    94        3   lost   

    opposition      ground start_date  all_out_flag  declared_flag  
80   v England  Manchester 1886-07-05             1              0  
83   v England      Lord's 1886-07-19             1              0  
84   v England      Lord's 1886-07-19             1              0  
86   v England    The Oval 1886-08-12             1              0  
87   v England    The Oval 1886-08-12             1              0  
89   v England      Sydney 1887-01-28             1              0  
91   v England      Sydney 1887-01-28             1              0  
93   v England      Sydney 1887-02-25             1              0  
95   v England      Sydney 1887-02-25             1              0  
97   v England      Sydney 1888-02-10             1              0  
99   v England      Sydney 1888-02-10             1              0  
100  v England      Lord's 1888-07-16             1              0  
102  v England      Lord's 1888-07-16             1              0  
104  v England    The Oval 1888-08-13             1              0  
106  v England    The Oval 1888-08-13             1              0  
108  v England  Manchester 1888-08-30             1              0  
109  v England  Manchester 1888-08-30             1              0  
117  v England      Lord's 1890-07-21             1              0  
119  v England      Lord's 1890-07-21             1              0  
121  v England    The Oval 1890-08-11             1              0  
123  v England    The Oval 1890-08-11             1              0  

Holy fucking shit. For a team with the highest win record, we have by far the worst losing streak. God damn.

For whatever reason, maybe recency-bias, you might want to restrict your entire search-space to a particular date range. Maybe we want to find the answer to this question between 1950 and 1990 or something. This can be done by pre-filtering the data before we make the query.

# year, month, day
start_date = datetime.datetime(1950, 1, 1)
end_date = datetime.datetime(1990, 1, 1)

# filter by date,use & (and), and brackets for multiple pre-filtering conditions
filtered_data = all_innings[(all_innings.start_date >= start_date) & (all_innings.start_date <= end_date)]

# if you just wanted it to be since 1950
# filtered_data = all_innings[all_innings.start_date >= start_date]

criteria = 'runs < 200'
max_value ,results = get_most_consecutive_team(criteria, data=filtered_data)
             team   score  runs  overs  balls_per_over   rpo  lead  innings  \
1530  New Zealand  157/9d   157   80.0               6  1.96   267        3   
1638  New Zealand      94    94   69.3               6  1.35  -127        2   
1640  New Zealand     137   137   77.3               6  1.76  -205        4   
1642  New Zealand      47    47   32.3               6  1.44  -222        2   
1643  New Zealand      74    74   50.3               6  1.46  -148        3   
1644  New Zealand      67    67   59.1               6  1.13    67        1   
1646  New Zealand     129   129  101.2               6  1.27   -71        3   

     result     opposition      ground start_date  all_out_flag  declared_flag  
1530    won  v West Indies    Auckland 1956-03-09             0              1  
1638   lost      v England  Birmingham 1958-06-05             1              0  
1640   lost      v England  Birmingham 1958-06-05             1              0  
1642   lost      v England      Lord's 1958-06-19             1              0  
1643   lost      v England      Lord's 1958-06-19             1              0  
1644   lost      v England       Leeds 1958-07-03             1              0  
1646   lost      v England       Leeds 1958-07-03             1              0  

I think we need to drill deeper into this though. Let’s get all the occurances.

criteria = 'runs < 200'
sort_order=['team', 'start_date', 'innings']
results = get_all_consecutive(criteria, data=all_innings.copy(), sort_order=sort_order)

results.sort_values(by=['maximum'], ascending=False, inplace=True)

Australia     0    21
Bangladesh    0    12
South Africa  0    12
England       0     8
New Zealand   0     7
West Indies   0     6
Pakistan      0     5
India         0     5
              1     5
Zimbabwe      0     4
Sri Lanka     1     4
              0     4
Afghanistan   0     2
              1     2
ICC World XI  0     2
Ireland       2     1
              0     1
              1     1
Name: maximum, dtype: int64

… I still have no idea what that first column even is. Some indexy-thingo-maybe. Oh well, who cares, certainly not me 🤷‍♂️

One shortcoming of this current implementation is underneath it all I’m calling get_max_consecutive for each group. So we only ever discover the maximum number of matches, not all the available matches, as well as the maximum. I can probably be convinced to add this. But I’ve worked on this for longer than is reasonable already.

Okay, extra conditions also works with teams.

criteria = 'runs < 150 and all_out_flag == 1'
max_value, results = get_most_consecutive_team(criteria)

          team score  runs  overs  balls_per_over   rpo  lead  innings result  \
97   Australia    42    42   37.3               4  1.66   -71        2   lost   
99   Australia    82    82   69.2               4  1.76  -126        4   lost   
100  Australia   116   116   71.2               4  2.43   116        1    won   
102  Australia    60    60   29.2               4  3.05   123        3    won   
104  Australia    80    80   90.3               4  1.32    80        1   lost   
106  Australia   100   100   69.2               4  2.15  -137        3   lost   
108  Australia    81    81   52.2               4  2.31   -91        2   lost   
109  Australia    70    70   31.1               4  3.36   -21        3   lost   
117  Australia   132   132   86.0               5  1.84   132        1   lost   

    opposition      ground start_date  all_out_flag  declared_flag  
97   v England      Sydney 1888-02-10             1              0  
99   v England      Sydney 1888-02-10             1              0  
100  v England      Lord's 1888-07-16             1              0  
102  v England      Lord's 1888-07-16             1              0  
104  v England    The Oval 1888-08-13             1              0  
106  v England    The Oval 1888-08-13             1              0  
108  v England  Manchester 1888-08-30             1              0  
109  v England  Manchester 1888-08-30             1              0  
117  v England      Lord's 1890-07-21             1              0  

LOL. Australia really sucked in 1888.

Okay, just out of curiosity, which team was not out most in a row.

criteria = 'all_out_flag == 0'
max_value, results = get_most_consecutive_team(criteria)
             team   score  runs  overs  balls_per_over   rpo  lead  innings  \
5550  New Zealand  196/1d   196   73.0               6  2.68   101        3   
5564  New Zealand  407/4d   407  112.2               6  3.62   303        2   
5654  New Zealand  287/8d   287   88.4               6  3.23  -199        2   
5656  New Zealand   274/6   274   57.0               6  4.80    -9        4   
5677  New Zealand   243/7   243  105.2               6  2.30  -315        2   
5682  New Zealand  534/9d   534  162.5               6  3.27   534        1   
5684  New Zealand  256/9d   256   71.0               6  3.60   439        3   
5698  New Zealand  365/9d   365   77.1               6  4.73   365        1   
5705  New Zealand  341/6d   341   88.0               6  3.87   209        2   

     result    opposition        ground start_date  all_out_flag  \
5550   draw    v Pakistan  Christchurch 2001-03-15             0   
5564    won    v Pakistan      Hamilton 2001-03-27             0   
5654   draw   v Australia      Brisbane 2001-11-08             0   
5656   draw   v Australia      Brisbane 2001-11-08             0   
5677   draw   v Australia        Hobart 2001-11-22             0   
5682   draw   v Australia         Perth 2001-11-30             0   
5684   draw   v Australia         Perth 2001-11-30             0   
5698    won  v Bangladesh      Hamilton 2001-12-18             0   
5705    won  v Bangladesh    Wellington 2001-12-26             0   

5550              1  
5564              1  
5654              1  
5656              0  
5677              0  
5682              1  
5684              1  
5698              1  
5705              1  

And everyone’s second favourite team, New Zealand, coming home with the goods. I’m going to leave it there. If you see something wrong with my data or if you have any features you’d like to see. Please let me know.

You can download the jupyter notebook of a modified version of this blog post, link at the top. I’ve edited it a little but if you just wanna run the code, you can pretty easily. Just google how to install pandas and jupyter notebook, I’m not your mother.

